29 Sep

Secret Formula

tl;dr: Winning cleantech start-up teams are complete at founding, have strong pre-existing relationships, and include the inventor of the core technology.

This post was co-written with Josh Rogers, a former Venrock intern who’s now in National Grid’s Strategic Planning and Corporate Development group. A version of it also appeared at GigaOM.

A year ago I published a post called “What It Takes to Build A Cleantech Winner” based on an analysis of 18 cleantech success stories – venture-backed start-ups that executed big IPOs. The conclusion was that it’s not the technology (the best one rarely wins) and it’s not the market (if the market’s already big and attractive, you’re probably too late); instead, it’s the team that determines success.

That begs the question: What makes a great team?

To answer this question, you’d need to do two things. First, you’d need to analyze the personal histories…

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